call_other - call a function in an object


mixed call_other(mixed obj, string function, mixed args...)


Call a function in an object.  The first argument must be either an
object or a string.  If it is a string, call_object() will be called
in the driver object to get the corresponding object.
Only non-private functions can be called with call_other().  If the
function is static, the object in which the function is called must
be the same as the object from which the function is called, or the
call will fail.
Any additional arguments to call_other() will be passed on to the
called function.
In LPC, obj->func(arg1, arg2, argn) can be used as a shorthand for
call_other(obj, "func", arg1, arg2, argn).


An error will result if the first argument is not an object and not a
string, or if the first argument is a string, but the specified object
is uncompiled.
Calling a function that does not exist, or a function that cannot be
called with call_other() because it is private or static, does not
result in an error but returns the value nil.